Meet Nadine,

a modern-day pioneer with a heart full of adventure, a passion for history, and a commitment to preserving the past. In January 2018, she embarked on a transformative journey that saw her leaving behind the familiar shores of the Central Coast. With her trusty Kingswood ute loaded and her loyal blue dog riding shotgun, Nadine ventured over the imposing Great Dividing Range, tracing the footsteps of countless pioneers before her. Her destination: Bathurst, a land of new opportunities and unexplored horizons.

Fast forward to 2021, and Nadine found herself embracing a rotating work schedule that granted her cherished pockets of free time. It was during these moments that Nadine's true exploration began, not only of the physical landscapes around her but also of her creative aspirations.

In June 2021, a significant milestone enriched Nadine's journey. She became a proud member of the Bathurst Historical Society, a decision that would greatly influence her path. Joining the society wasn't just about belonging; it was a statement of her commitment to preserving the heritage and stories that make Bathurst come alive. The society provided her with a community of like-minded individuals who shared her reverence for the past and a common goal of safeguarding it for future generations.

October 9, 2021, marked another pivotal date in Nadine's story. With an inspired heart and an insatiable desire to share her experiences, she launched "Nadine Travels West." The online platform, consisting of a vibrant website, a Facebook page, and an Instagram account, became her canvas. Through captivating photography and vivid narratives, Nadine found the perfect medium to express her love for history, adventure, her local community, and the treasures of Australian craftsmanship.

Navigating the challenges of a world grappling with lockdowns and travel restrictions in 2021, Nadine's vision for "Nadine Travels West" transformed. What started as a means to keep her family and friends connected to her life in Bathurst during lockdowns became a broader endeavor. Instead of mundane status updates about quarantine days, she channeled her energy into showcasing the rich historical tapestry of Bathurst and its remarkable heritage buildings.

However, Nadine's aspirations didn't end with personal connections and online presence. She found herself drawn to a more profound mission: preserving history. As she delved deeper into the stories behind the architecture and landmarks of Bathurst, her passion for conservation ignited. Nadine envisioned a future where her work could contribute to the preservation and celebration of the city's historical treasures.

Through "Nadine Travels West" and her involvement with the Bathurst Historical Society, Nadine has managed to encapsulate the spirit of a modern-day pioneer, a history enthusiast, and a conservationist. With each blog post, photo, and social media update, she invites her audience to explore the landscapes, both external and internal, that she has discovered on her voyage.

In a world often dominated by routine and the mundane, Nadine's story reminds us that the spirit of adventure is alive within us all. Her journey from the Central Coast to Bathurst, her career shifts, her commitment to history preservation, and her creative pursuits all serve as an inspiring reminder that embracing the unknown can lead to the most extraordinary discoveries. And as Nadine continues to travel west, both physically and metaphorically, her story becomes an ever-unfolding narrative of courage, passion, the beauty of chasing dreams, and the noble goal of safeguarding history for generations to come.
