1 Year of Nadine Travels West

On the 9 October 2021 I started my Nadine Travels West blog. I had an idea in mind of what I wanted to create and share on this blog. Like I said in my very first blog post.

I want to share the history I learn from exploring new places and my local area of the Central West, NSW. I have an interest in Australian history mainly the convict and colonial era but not limited to just one small part of history.

I’m a hobby historian and photographer I do not have a qualification from University in history or work in the industry, I do this has a hobby and I am passionate to learn more, I want this blog to be a place for others to learn facts and information.

Over the year I think I have stayed true to what I originally started this blog for but like anything I want to create something bigger and better. To be honest I really never thought I would have had as many views to my website/blog over the past year due to so many articles on google and people saying no one reads blogs anymore well guess what I do. If I still love reading blogs then someone out there on this thing we call the internet will potentially come across mine and read my blog.

Over the past year since starting Nadine Travels West I have visited some amazing towns and some of my favourite places are small rural towns in the Central West of NSW. I also have really invested into learning more about the history of the town, the people and places within Bathurst NSW. I am even a member of the Bathurst District Historical Society where I have meet some fantastic like minded people who love history just as much if not more than me. I have really enjoyed being a member of BDHS as I have learnt more history and historical locations in Bathurst.

Over the past year I have travelled to over 20 towns in the NSW Central West or surrounding areas such as Limekilns, Condobolin, Forbes, Rockley, Perthville, Georges Plains, Newbridge, Blayney, Millthorpe Sofala, Hill End, Mudgee, Gulgong, Orange, Lucknow, Tarana, Carcoar, Lithgow, Grenfell, Molong, O’Connell and Bathurst just to name a few.

Other than learning about the towns history, finding historical places or the local book store I have found I really enjoying finding local businesses as I am a big supporter of buy local and Australian made. I enjoy meeting the lovely people who run businesses or events in small towns and through meeting them in person or following these people or businesses through social media like instagram I have found other likeminded people and another places to add to my list of places to visit. I am not sure how yet, but I want to start sharing more of that side on my blog here like I do on my Nadine Travels West instagram.

Some of the favourite businesses I have visited or attended events on my travels are Tomolly located in Carcoar, Molong Store, The Rockley Artisan Market and The Olive Robin located in Rockley.

Some of my favourite places and photos over the past Year of Nadine Travels West

I am excited for another year of traveling and exploring NSW I would love to be able to cross the boarder and visit a few other states. As always if you have any recommendation for towns to visit in NSW or Australia please let me know as I am always up for an adventure somewhere new with friends, family or even a solo adventure just me and my dog on the road.

Thank you to everyone who has supported my blog over the past year and I am very grateful for all the new people I have meet alone the way.





Condobolin, NSW - Utes in a paddock