About Me

I thought my first blog post should be introducing myself a little more and what to expect to see on my blog.

As mentioned in my About page I want to share the history I learn from exploring new places and my local area of the Central West, NSW. I have an interest in Australian history mainly the convict and colonial era but not limited to just one small part of history.

I’m a hobby historian and photographer I do not have a qualification from University in history or work in the industry, I do this has a hobby and I am passionate to learn more, I want this blog to be a place for others to learn facts and information.

If you follow my instagram nadine.travels.west you might have seen a few photos of my Blue Heeler Cattle Dog called Loch named after the Loch Ness Monster because of his love for water. He is like my shadow and he comes along with me on many of my adventures around the Central West, so I am sure you will see him pop up regularly on my blog posts.

Loch and myself at Eskbank House Museum in Lithgow, NSW.

Loch and myself at Eskbank House Museum in Lithgow, NSW.

Some of the things you will see on this blog are:

  • Australian History

  • Family Tree Research

  • Book Reviews and Current Reads

  • Road Trips

  • Convict infrastructure, Colonial Homesteads and Grand Architecture just to name a few.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email nadine.travels.west@gmail.com or via instagram.

