Family Tree Research

The intricate tapestry of our lives are woven not just by our individual experiences, but also by the stories, legacies, and connections of those who came before us. Delving into the realm of family tree research is akin to embarking on a captivating adventure, one that leads you through the corridors of time, uncovering hidden treasures of your heritage and granting you a profound sense of belonging.

For those who have been following my family history journey on my instagram account will have seen for the past couple of months I have been doing my family history on my maternal side (My Mothers Fathers Family). I have started this journey knowing very little about the Fitzsummons family other than the family members who are a part of my life. A family tree is more than just a diagram of names and dates, it's a living testament to your lineage and a window into the lives of your ancestors. It provides a tangible link between the past, present, and future enabling you to understand your roots in a deeper and more meaningful way. Every ancestor's story contributes to the mosaic of your identity, shaping your values, traditions, and even physical characteristics.

“In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, a bridge to our future.” – Alex Haley

Starting Your Journey - Research

Embarking on a journey of family tree research can be both exciting and daunting. Fortunately, with modern technology and resources at your fingertips, the process has become more accessible than ever before. Here's how to get started:

  1. Gather What You Know: Collect names, birthdates, marriage dates, and any other pertinent information. Old photo albums, family Bibles, and keepsakes can also hold valuable clues. Begin with your immediate family. Chat with a family member who may have done the family tree before or has all the old family albums. My Nan is my go to person with family tree questions. I started with writing every family member down that Nan could remember and relations as this gave me a great starting point as it’s so much easier to find dates once you have a name.

  2. Interview Relatives: Reach out to older relatives who may have more extensive knowledge about the family's history. Record their stories, anecdotes, and memories as these personal narratives can add colour to the branches of your family tree. I started with putting a facebook post on the ‘Wallabadah Then and Now’ facebook group as many current and previous locals share photos and stories of Wallabadah and the people.

  3. Online Databases and Genealogy Websites: Websites like, MyHeritage, and FamilySearch provide vast databases of historical records, census data and user-generated family trees. These platforms can help you connect the dots and verify the information you've gathered. Some other websites I have found helpful have been Museum of History NSW, State Library NSW, NSW Birth Deaths & Marriages and my favourite Trove.

  4. Local Archives and Libraries: Local archives, historical societies, and libraries often house valuable documents such as birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, and land records. These physical resources can offer a tangible link. During my research so far I have contacted a number of local historical societies such as Quirindi & District Historical Society and Maitland and Beyond Family History Society I have even gotten in touch via email to the local council (Liverpool Plains Shire Council). Who do have to be patient as not all orginisation run every week some might be a few days a month and normally run by volunteers who devote there time to do research. Also be aware that there is sometimes a fee to get information from these organisations as the processed go to running these groups.

Unveiling Hidden Stories

As you delve deeper into your family's history, you're likely to uncover stories that resonate with you on a profound level. These stories could range from tales of migration and survival to stories of entrepreneurship, creativity, or even adversity. Each narrative contributes to the rich tapestry of your heritage and provides insights into the values and strengths that have been passed down through generations. Family tree research has a unique way of connecting generations. As you unearth information about your ancestors, you might discover surprising similarities between yourself and those who lived before you. Shared interests, professions, and character traits can bridge the gap between eras, reminding us that while times change, the essence of family remains constant. The journey of family tree research is not just for your benefit – it's a legacy you're creating for future generations. By compiling your findings into a comprehensive family tree, complete with stories, photos, and historical context, you're preserving your heritage for your children, grandchildren, and beyond.

Delving into family tree research is a journey that rewards patience, curiosity, and persistence. It's a chance to connect with your past, understand the present, and shape the future. Through this exploration, you'll likely find a newfound appreciation for the tapestry of lives that have converged to create you. So, embark on this adventure.

Your family's story is waiting to be discovered.


Rocket Street Bridge

