Tarana Railway Station 150th Anniversary

On Sunday 24 April 2022 I attended the Tarana Railway Station 150th Anniversary event. I went down with my dog to see the Blue Zephyr vintage train serving Devonshire Tea from the former Indian Pacific dining car roll into the station, Listen to the live music played by the band on the platform and grab a couple of things from the Tarana Farmers Markets.

The Tarana Railway Station 150th Anniversary event.

A bit of history: The station opened on 22 August 1872 as a part of the Main Western line extending from Rydal to Tarana and Locksley in April 1872. Tarana Station soon received another platform as the line was duplicated. A branch line from Tarana to Oberon was opened on 3 October 1923, but closed in 1979. Traffic on the Main Western line started to decrease in the 1970s as freight trains were diverted to use other lines. As the amount of traffic no longer required double track, the track was lifted, leaving a disused platform. In 2019, Tarana was added as a stop on Bathurst Bullet Train services.

Tarana railway station is a heritage-listed railway station and has been on the NSW State Heritage Register since 2 April 1999.

As always please leave a comment below if I have any information incorrect so I can amend it or if there are any key factors I have missed that I should add to this blog post.

Nadine Travels West.


Queen Charlotte’s Vale Road - Perthville


Bathurst District Historical Society 75th anniversary dinner