The Pines Inn - Phil Callaghan’s Butcher Shop

The Pines Inn is located on The Vale Road, Perthville NSW.

The Pines Inn got its name from a small stand of pine trees on the southern side of the building. The Callaghan family ran sheep on the east side of the fence of Bald Hill and grew oaten hay on the slopes. The Callaghan family were residence of The Pines Inn in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

Phil Callaghan (1857 - 1941) ran a butcher shop in the little brick building on the northern side of the house. This brick building can be seen from the Vale Road. Phil son Clem Callaghan for many years operated a butcher shop in William Street, Bathurst.

In 1876 the railway ran through a shallow cutting just a few yard from the rear of The Pines Inn.

On the 1 August 1949 in the Bathurst National Advocate on page 2 in the general news section the is a small article called Collaped in Perthville. It states: Mr. J. Milne, who is employed by Sargent's of Sydney, was conveyed by ambulance on Saturday from Mr. Callaghan's residence at Perthville to the District Hospital. Mr. Milne collapsed while working in a paddock.

The Pines Inn

Callaghan’s Butcher shop

Bald Hill behind The Pine Inn

As always please leave a comment below if I have any information incorrect so I can amend it or if there are any key factors I have missed that I should add to this blog post.

Nadine Travels West.


Ranken's Bridge, Eglinton

