
Cheston is located on Gestingthorpe Lane Perthville, NSW

Cheston was built by William Cheney in 1859. William Cheney built Cheston just before he purchased The Jolly Hurlers Inn in South Bathurst.

William Cheney was a successful gold miner and built another cottage to the same plans as Cheston in South Bathurst opposite The Jolly Hurlers Inn on Bent Street and a third cottage on Stewart Street. William Cheney left Cheston to his son Tom Cheney. Tom Cheney lived at Cheston most of his life until he retired moving to the cottage opposite The Jolly Hurlers Inn.

Cheston is on the Swamp Creek also known as Murdering Swamp. The swamp beside Cheston has long since silted up. The name Murdering Swamp has almost been lost most likely deliberately since people did not want to be reminded of the murder that originally gave the locality its name. Some say that it relates to the murder of a couple of teamsters and others believe it refers to an aboriginal massacre.


As always please leave a comment below if I have any information incorrect so I can amend it or if there are any key factors I have missed that I should add to this blog post.

Nadine Travels West.


The Pines Inn - Phil Callaghan’s Butcher Shop


Queen Charlotte’s Vale Road - Perthville